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The Kris Gethin Podcast

Mar 27, 2018

This episode of the Knowledge and Mileage Podcast discusses time management for the busy individual. We have all heard the many excuses that people have when it comes to getting things done. Kris shares some of his time-saving tips and tricks.

Time Stamps

  • Common distractions that steal our time [4:04]
  • Replacing your...

Mar 20, 2018

This episode of the Knowledge and Mileage Podcast discusses the abuse that we put ourselves through with the types of foods we eat. Food today is not what it used to be. Nowadays you can’t pronounce half the stuff that you see on an ingredient list. Kris gives us some insight on what's going into these foods and what...

Mar 13, 2018

In this episode of the Knowledge and Mileage Podcast, Kris discusses a recent conversation he had with a few highly regarded doctors at the Arnold Classic. They have found that there has been a sudden incline in health implications from people in the “health” community.

The environment we live in is out to hurt us...

Mar 6, 2018

In this episode of the Knowledge and Mileage Podcast, Kris talks about his personal fitness and nutrition routines. Some call it bro-science, however, you can call it what you want. It’s backed up by science and Kris has got the mileage to prove it.

This episode is all about Kris’s beliefs and principles for health...